Session Tags


Use Session Tags to help organize repeating registration offerings that are held over different date ranges. These tags will be filterable both from the Admin side of Captyn as well as from the Public side. Session Tags are available for selection during Program creation and edit/bulk edit. Session Tags do not affect the Program in any way; they simply group Programs for filtering purposes.

Tags do not operate exclusively; they are OR statements. If you are wanting to create a view that combines multiple tags, the best thing to do here is to create tags that are inclusive of each other. For example, "Beginner + Adult" or "Intermediate + Youth" vs simply "Beginner", "Adult", "Intermediate", and "Youth". It is best to think of tags as “what list do you want to see?” and then create a tag that groups them.

Navigating to Session Tags

To get started, click on the menu stack found in the upper left-hand corner of your Captyn account and choose Settings & Reports

From there, choose  Tags from the "Your Operations" section.

Creating Session Tags

Session Tags benefit repeating Programs that are held over multiple dates. For example, say you have a Summer Camp Program that has multiple sessions (dates). Session Tags can help unify these Programs when filtering.

To create a Session Tag, click the + Add Tag option below the list of already-existing tags.

All you need to do here is enter the Session Tag Name. Click Save when done to finish the creation.

Editing a Session Tag

You can click on the name of any previously created  Session Tag to edit it. You will simply edit the "Name" of the tag. Doing this will change the tag everywhere it currently appears. 

Applying a Tag To a Program

Once created, you can easily apply a Tag to an existing program by going into the specific Offering and heading to the Program & Description tab to set these.

These can also be configured when going through the Program setup flow from scratch.

Filtering for Session Tags

You can filter for Session Tags both from within the Admin view as well as from the Public view.

To Filter as an Admin, head to the  Programs page where you will see the Session Tag filter option at the top of the list of Programs.

Public signups will also see this option after completing the initial segmentation questions and begin viewing the list of available programs that match their criteria.

Of Note: Tags do not operate exclusively; they are OR statements. If you are wanting to create a view that combines multiple tags, the best thing to do here is to create tags that are inclusive of each other. For example, "Beginner + Adult" or "Intermediate + Youth" vs simply "Beginner", "Adult", "Intermediate", and "Youth". It is best to think of tags as “what list do you want to see?” and then create a tag that groups them.

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