Programming- Building your Offerings


Use Programming to create the Offerings for your classes, camps, trainings, programs, lessons, and more. Offerings can vary by many factors- like meeting time, price, instructor- but they will all still live under the main Program that you assign to them!

Once you have Offerings created, you can begin to gain new registrations and grow your business.

Creating Your First Class, Camp, or Other Program

You will create a new Offering for your customers. Follow these steps to create new Offerings:

From your Home page, choose Programming.

This will take you to an overview page showing all available Programs that have been created. Click on the + Add button found in the upper right-hand corner of this page.


Next, choose your Terminology, which will be present across all screens of this offering. You will choose what to call this Program as well as how to refer to the participants.

Dates, Times & Employees

Now you will choose the Schedule for your offering. 

Single day

Let's begin with a Single day option. You will choose the Dates, Times & Staff. Choose a Start time and an End time (or All day), and select a Location. Use More start and end times if you need to schedule breaks throughout the Offering. Assign staff as well (recommended if you have multiple options with multiple instructors).

Multi day

Choose Multi day if the Offering will happen on multiple days of the week over a period of time. Choose a start date and an end date, set the meeting times, choose any excluded dates, and assign the staff member.

Custom single dates

Use a Custom single date to schedule multiple days that are not in a series. For example you could choose a series including dates such as December 22, December 27, January 9, and February 15.

At the bottom of the Dates, Time & Staff screen you will have the option to Assign a default staff member to this class. Simply click on the "Assign Staff" icon and choose the names from a selector menu.


Next up you will choose your Eligibility rules. You will choose the availability based on membership (if applicable) and age ranges to display for your class. 

Determine wether the offering requires a registration (this option is used for all standard registrations), or, if it will be Automatically included. The automatic inclusion option means that if a user is enrolled in a membership, they will automatically be enrolled in this offering as well. This will prohibit non-members from enrolling in this offering.

If would would still like people to register, but the Offering is only available to those in certain memberships (a registration fee, a punch card, a prerequisite membership of any kind), then you must DESELECT "All - Including non-Members" and select the memberships that you want this offering to be available to. Note- this means that in order to use this offering for a punch card, those signing up for the offering must be in some type of membership. For any questions about this, contact your Onboarding Specialist.

Then, you'll select the age range for this Offering

Of Note: Age ranges will not prohibit someone from signing up for a class if they don't meet the parameters. These ranges are simply a guide for your customers to view and see when signing up.

Registration Billing

Now you will want to setup Billing. You can always present a Free program. You can choose how to display this, whether it reads as $0.00, Free, No charge, or is left blank.

If you would like to Charge for this particular Offering, you will have several options.

Charging by Account means that anyone linked to the same Account profile (e.g. Parent) would be included in a singular charge. The charge options are Monthly recurring, One-time charge, and Custom.

Monthly recurring

With Monthly recurring charging, you can choose a Flat rate or a Variable rate. you will set the base price per scheduled day. If you choose a Variable rate, you will see a preview of charges for upcoming months.

Choose whether or not to automatically adjust the price based on select dates. This is a good option if you are taking registrations for an upcoming event, and you are offering limited time pricing. For example, the closer you get to the Offering date, the price goes up.

You can choose to prorate the price of the Offering once it is in progress. This means if someone signs up for a $100/mo class on the 15th of the month, they will only pay $50 for that first month of registration. This feature will calculate the price down to the day.

You can also prorate any excluded dates you may have selected when choosing your Training Dates.

One-time charge

Use a One-time charge when the price for the Program is singular. 

Choose whether or not to automatically adjust the price based on select dates. This is a good option if you are taking registrations for an upcoming event, and you are offering limited time pricing. For example, the closer you get to the Program date, the price goes up.

You can choose to prorate the price of the Program once it is in progress. 


Use Custom pricing to add a variety of charge options, including Charge at Registration. This is a helpful tool if you wish to guarantee an amount of money from your Participants. Then, set an amount to charge them at a certain date to collect the balance for the Program.

If you choose to collect a fee at a later date, we recommend sending an autopay reminder a certain number of days before the charge happens.

Add an additional one-time charge or credit per registration. These are used to collect miscellaneous charges (or create credits) automatically when participants are registering. Each individual registration in the cart will receive this fee. 


Set the Management rules and determine how many registrations you wish to accept for this class. You can setup your waitlist here.

Choose to allow for check in. This is a helpful feature to find out how many and who exactly came to your Program.

You can elect to set a charge upon check in as well. This is helpful as a way to pay a final balance when actually attending the event. Choose to set a maximum check in capacity. Allow for customers to self check in and control how early they can do so. Once they have checked in, you can choose how they are shown on the roster. You can even mark them as "attended" or mark as checked out upon check in.

If you are using a Punch Card Membership system, "Enable check in" will need to be turned on. See your Onboarding Specialist for more details.


Configure the Visibility of the Offering. You can choose to have it Not viewable and Not open for registration to fully hide this. Your participants will still be able to sign up for this Offering if they have the direct link that you can provide to them. You can also complete registration on their behalf, and even send them a link to complete signup based on the cart you have built for them (ideal if you do not have their payment method).

Program & Description

 Using the gold Next button, continue to the next step. First, you will create your Program (or choose an existing one). The Program is the top level. 

You have several options when choosing your Program Name.

1. Create New - When you choose to create a New Program in this flow, a modal will appear giving you all of the options needed to create your Program.

2. Choose Existing

2b. Edit Program

You will next set a promotional Subtitle. A promotional subtitle is specific to this Offering only. It is not repeatable, searchable, or filterable. Most offerings won’t need one.

It will be helpful to add in promo-specific details that are relevant to just this specific offering. 

Recommended: Create and Select a Tag to make filtering easier once you have Registrations coming in.

You can also create a new tag in this flow.

Lastly, choose how this is presented to your Participants. You can elect to Show available roster spots, Show the assigned staff member, and Show the days and times of this particular Offering. You will see a preview of what it looks like to the public at the bottom of this screen.

Clicking Finish will complete the creation of this new Offering.

Of Note: You can click on any of the tabs along the top of the screen to navigate back to a particular setting to make changes.

When you have finished setup, you will see this screen, directing you to further manage and complete setup.

After completion, you will want to set things like Line Item Fees, Discounts, Info Requests and Waivers. This will be managed from the sidebar edit screen from the class

Set checkout options like enabling line item fees or applying add-ons.

Set any Discounts (multi-participant or multi-registration) and Coupons to be used on this particular Program.

If you wish to collect additional Info based on your Info Requests, do so here as well. These can be things like T shirt size or insurance information. 

Keep in mind you will also have Health Questions that are separate from this which will ask questions like whether or not the Participant has injuries or allergies to be aware of.

You can also add on any Customer Agreements you have created here. 

With any of these features, you can enable existing ones, or even create new ones in this flow. So you don't need to navigate away from your programming setup and go to Settings to enable; simply do it all right here.

Editing an Offering After Creation

You can easily edit a class, and any particular element of it, easily after it has been created. To do so, head to one of your classes, and click on the Settings option at the top of the page.

You can use the tab along the left-hand bar to edit any particular option.

You can hover over an element in the Admin Summary to edit any particular option.

You can also hover over an element in the Details Summary to edit any particular option.

Removing An Historical Offering With Registrations

You may want to remove an offering from view that has historical registrations. We do not provide this function to you directly as it can interfere with the app's ability to properly run historical reports and statistical views. So, with that, you would not want to just simply "delete" it. However, you can easily remove an offering from sight by changing the class end date to a date in the past. This would immediately move the offering to an "Archived" state. It can be filtered for on the Programming page to view, but it would not be in any default views.

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